Kotor ios vs pc
Kotor ios vs pc

kotor ios vs pc
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  2. Kotor ios vs pc mod#
  3. Kotor ios vs pc Pc#
kotor ios vs pc

Getting exiled from Manaan would not remove any unfinished quests on the planet

kotor ios vs pc

Bug in Ignus the hotel owner's dialog, preventing him from testifying for you if you Force Persuade him Elora would confess to Sunry's affair if Bastila or Jolee is present, but you wouldn't get any plot EXP from it Bug in the Iridonian Mercenary's dialog would make it seem to freeze, requiring you to hit 1 or 2 to proceed Several bugs related to Bacca's Blade would prevent you from ever obtaining it If you rescued Griff without Mission, Griff would meet you at your ship Mission would have no clothes on A line was re-used for a fourth interaction, allowing you to see all four visions if you travel between planets before the Leviathan Originally, Bastila only had three comments on the visions. Infinite DS exploit when you make Sasha leave the ship. Wandering Jedi near the Ebon Hawk forgot to keep walking after they were done talking to you Resolving the Sandral-Matale Feud peacefully would allow you to keep talking to Rahasia and restarting the cutscene Zelka's assistant Gurney informs you about selling the serum after you've given it to Zelka Dueling exploit to get two of Bendak's Blaster Item Duplication exploit with Brejik's gear Restored the True Form of the Sith Armor Quest on Taris Goodies on Unknown World, including restored Injured Sith Apprentice. Funny dialogue with bartender on Korriban. Alternate way into Sith Base on Manaan. Restored shape-shifting for Genoharadan Rulan on Kashyyk. Restored dialogue with Bastila's Mother. Restored Crattis dialogue to sell lightsaber crystals. Modified Iriaz from Seamhiann's modules so there were less of them, they fought against the Kath Hounds, and usually stayed in their small areas. It can be seen in the new module, tar_m03ac, or the swoop platform non-racing version. The model file and textures have been changed so now the glowing puddle placeable makes a glowing puddle of green liquid. The file called plc_glowpudl.utp had the name of "Glowing Puddle" however when placed in game it looked like a blood puddle.

Kotor ios vs pc Pc#

Shen and Rahashia Indecent Proposal, the PC can make a rather indecent, and awkward, proposal to either Shen or Rahasia depending upon the PC's gender. Restoration of cut items within the Jedi Enclave Garrum and Tar'eelok Restoration, returns a cut padawan and master to the Jedi Enclave. Iriaz Restoration, returns the Iriaz to the plains of Dantooine. Albeit, in different ways than they normally do. Sarna and Yun Genda are available to talk to members of the same sex and can be used to further the plot of Taris. Zaerdra Swoop Platform Dialogue, Zaerdra will make some final comments to the PC on the prototype accelerator before intitiating your first run with it The announcer will be available to speak to in between fights. Restoration of the Duel Ring announcer in the Taris Upper City Cantina. Restoration of some dialgoue with Niklos in the Uppper City Cantina Restoration of the Black Vulkar Base Sublevel Numerous restorations to the Under City Numerous restorations to the Lower City Carth dialogue when the PC first awakens on Taris, Carth makes a few comments about the PC's injuries. Impossible Difficulty, a cut option for difficulty that is harder than the Vanilla "Hard" difficulty This includes content for literally every planet. Most of the content that can be restored has been. Of course, these restorations will be within reason and things that were cut because they did not fit with the plot, and cannot be made to fit with the plot, will most definitley NOT be restored.

Kotor ios vs pc mod#

The KotOR 1 Restoration Mod is an attempt to restore almost all the content that was cut from the game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic by BioWare Corp.

Kotor ios vs pc install#


Kotor ios vs pc